
Lightstep delivers unparalleled visibility across multi-layered architectures, enabling developers to streamline issue detection and resolution — all while blending seamlessly into existing workflows.

Light step


I was brought on to this project to execute the front end development of a real-time status page for the Lightstep platform. So that a user of their platform can see critical information on wether there was a breach in the Service Level Objective performance of their platforms running on Google Cloud services.

Light step region pair graph

Mobile Friendly

Light step

Share Friendly

Next js made it really easy to build a platform that can easily be shared. Such that if a user shares outage or region-pair detail page, the person receiving that link will play friendly with tools that show preview data, like slack or or Google Docs.

Light step

The Technology

  • Nextjs - a light weight framework for, server-side rendered, react apps
  • React
  • Recharts
  • Reactstrap